Illinois Bill Would Create a Certified Medical Esthetician License

Do you want to offer your clients advanced services and elevate the Illinois esthetics industry? If you answered “yes,” we encourage you to show support for House Bill 4281 (HB 4281).

The bill would allow an esthetician to earn a certificate as a “certified medical esthetician” if the licensee completes additional training requirements. In addition to the current services provided by an esthetician, a certified medical esthetician would be able to perform microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, microneedling, and radio frequency treatment without the supervision of a physician.

The bill needs to gain traction, and you can help by educating lawmakers why creating a certified medical esthetician license in Illinois should be a priority this legislative session! Email Representative Robyn Gabel at and explain how a certified medical esthetician license will benefit the esthetics community. When writing your email, you may consider including the talking points below.

Passing HB 4281 would:

  • Provide a statewide certified medical esthetics scope of practice and professional guidelines.
  • Create educational standards for the safe and competent practice of advanced modalities.
  • Increase public protection by ensuring licensed professionals receive required training to perform advanced services.
  • Elevate the esthetics profession by validating skills and expertise in specific areas, which can lead to better, more profitable job opportunities.
  • Allow licensees to offer popular, high-end services to consumers, which could lead to client retention—estheticians would no longer have to refer clients to someone else for a procedure they can perform.

ASCP has a comprehensive Legislative Toolkit that provides additional resources to help you reach out to lawmakers. Let’s advocate for and advance the esthetics industry together!

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